
Self Test at Home with Confidence

Need to pass a drug test for a new job? Changing your lifestyle? Making positive choices?

Don’t want to risk failing a drug test to gain employment?

Make sure you are clean before attending a Drug screen. Use our industry grade kits for personal assurance before attending a documented drug screen.

Know you are clean and safe to drive. Urine kits available. Australian Standard products.

Test yourself like the professionals.

6 panel urine Kit tests for: Amphetamine (AMP) Cocaine (COC) Benzodiazepines (BZO) Marijuana (THC) Methamphetamines (MET) and Opioids (OPI)

Need a Certificate Of Clearance to gain site entry or start a new job?

Book a Drug and Alcohol screen with our certified Drug and Alcohol Officers with a discreet and confidential service.